responsibility Qna 관련 답변 10 페이지

영어 햐석

And the third is, they devolve responsibility to the school level for getting the job done.... 문장 전체 해석부탁드립니다 And the third is, they devolve responsibility to...


It that 가주어 진주어

... Those were the soldiers whose responsibility it was to save... [whose responsibility] it was [원래 자리]to save the town. 평서문 어순 it was whose responsibility [to save the...


영어 문법적 요소 찾아주세요

I become curious about what qualities a good leader has Responsibility means be able... 2형식 Responsibility(주) means(동) [to be able to solve problems calmly even in...

태그: 문법요소, 영어, 영어문장, 영문법질문, 영문법, 영어문법

간단한 영어문장 질문

Second, President Yoon committed to the government taking responsibility in supporting... "Second, President Yoon committed to the government taking responsibility for...

태그: 영어문법

중3 영어창작대회

... the responsibility of society to ensure that no teenager feels that taking... the responsibility of society to ensure that no teenager feels that taking...

태그: 문제풀이

토익 문장 맨 앞 분사

... Taking responsibility for the failure of the promotion... Taking responsibility for the failure of the promotion... Taking responsibility for the failure of the promotion...


이거 분사구문 이용된 문장이 맞나요?...

... the responsibility to ensure its continuity. 혹시... the responsibility to ensure its continuity. = Humanity... the responsibility to ensure its continuity. 해석: 생명의...

태그: 영어문법질문, 분사구문

토익 영어문제 질문드립니다! 급해요ㅠㅠ

... On October 31, responsibility for delinquent accounts will be transferred... On October 31, responsibility for delinquent accounts will be transferred over...

태그: 토익문법

i take all responsibility?

... the responsibility 인가요 i take all responsibility 인가요 뭐가맞나여?... l take[bear] all the responsibility.가 맞습니다. = l take[bear] responsibility...


영어 문제 질문 문법

... comes responsibility. 가 맞는 문장이라는데 여기서 does responsibility come이 와야하는거 아닌가요? But with this opportunity, comes responsibility. 가 맞는...

태그: 도치구문, 영어, 영어문법

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