many many returns of the day Qna 관련 답변 10 페이지

The world's biggest animal 해석

... one day we shall perhaps learn how to communicate with... more of them in years to come. 이거 해석 부탁 내공 20!! Many people think that the dinosaurs were the...


'The moon' 해석 좀 해주세요

... satellite of the sun. Although the moon has no surface water and no air, many people believe that humans will... Every year on a special day, Chinese people make and...


a day in the life 독음 좀 해주세요...

... a day in the life(그외 다른 비틀즈 노래도... crowd of people stood and stared 어 크라우드 오브 피플... how many holes it takes 나우 데이 노우 하우 매니 홀스...


영어 독해 Buy Nothing Day

... Others cleim that it is only for those people who have the luxury to choose not to buy anything for a day. In many countries of the world, people don't buy things because they...


Millions of children in the world are...

... Millions of children in the world are in danger. They are suffering from hunger and disease. Many children are... Almost 18 thousand children a day are dying. That is one...


the endless tale 해석 좀 해주세요~

... He stored all the corn in his country in this granary. One day a swarm of locusts came through the country. they saw the granary. For many days they looked for a way...


The World Series is

... Perhaps I can go the hospital the day after tomorrow.... However, Napoleon also made many mistake. In 1815, his enemies defeated him at the Battle of Waterloo. The...


영어해석 좀 해주세요 The king and hawk

... He led his army into china and he conquered many lands. I'm every country, men... But the hot day of summer had some water, trickling down over the edge of a rock. he...


The Emerald City Goes Green(4~6문단)

... Many of the city's residents now see it is possible to live in harmony with their environment. Perhaps one day Seattle will be just like the natural areas outside of the...


When the Earth Shakes 해석좀 부탁해요

... called the crust. The crust is made up of about 30 huge... Many earthquakes happen each day. But people only feel the strong ones. A strong earthquake can really...


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