in other to Qna 관련 답변 10 페이지

In a rush to meet wo

In a rush to meet work, school, family, or household responsibilities, people cut back on... these other activities seem much more important. 일, 학교, 가족, 또는 가정의...

태그: 영어문법, 모의고사영어, 모의고사, 고등영어

through which to process

... [기존 답변 자료] 전형적인 예문 He needs a house to live in (앞 명사에... needs other children to play with. => formal한 표현으로 바꾸면 She needs...


Other substances in

Other substances in the plant may help the body to assimilate its benefits as well as buffer any side effects. Including the whole plant in the final product often ensures...


to whom it may concerned that in...

tomorrow i’m going to ask it to whom it may concerned that in any chance you would be assigned in the other programs 내일 물어볼거야,, 관계자에게,, 혹시라도, 네가...


and other peple rushed to help him....

His mother and other peple rushed to help him. Then he was sent to a hospital by taxy. The... "I didn't hurt myself in any way." "I just can't believe it." said Mr. Green "You fell off...


1129 In addition to

... that is (to say)는 '말하자면, 즉'의 의미입니다. in other words의 의미라고 생각하시면 됩니다. 설명 : That is 는 접속사 없이 새로운 절이 되므로 쓸 수 없다. 설명이...


calls out to other local eateries.

I also have several calls out to other local eateries. have several calls out... it is hard to find this expression in dictionary ;;; what expression is...


agree to check in other people's...

... ㅜㅜ check in 숙어 공부중인데 이 문장이 해석이 안되네요 check in 이 맡다 의 의미로도 쓰이네요. 따라서, 다른 사람의 수하물을 맡겠다고 동의해서는 절대 안된다...


to에 대해서,

... in other to 는 ~하기위한뜻인데. to 라고 바꿔써도 무관합니다. in other to는 그냥 to 보다는 강조의 의미만 있을뿐이죠. 그리고 전지사 to 다음에는 동사가 아니라...


Unrivalled in so many other ways가...

Unrivalled in so many other ways, Shakespeare has no equal with regard to the extent and profundity of his influence on the English language. 주요 문장 구조를 짚어 주시고 전체...


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