hierarchical Qna 관련 답변 10 페이지

번역해주신게 너무 정확하네요 이부분도...

... a hierarchical opposition in which one term is understood to embody truth and the... a hierarchical opposition in which one term is understood to embody truth and the...


한문장 해석 좀 해주세요ㅜㅜ

... downward hierarchical influence. The influence process often invovles peer or... downward hierarchical influence. 그 영향의 진행 과정은 종종 동등한 것...


php mysql 질문

... Program the display of hierarchical dynamic data into a basic web page using MySQL, PHP... What we need to see is how you pull the data to display it in hierarchical format on the...

태그: php프로그래밍, php, 웹프로그래밍, mysql, mysql연동

영어번역 너무 어려워요.제발도와주세요....

... for hierarchical politeness." "I'm in a privileged position at METI." Jillian... for hierarchical politeness." 파트타임으로 경제, 무역및 공업의 압력의...


이거 해석좀 해주세요 ㅠㅠㅠ

... wolves have hierarchical pack structures, in which one wolf acts as the leader... wolves have hierarchical pack structures, in which one wolf acts as the leader and...


영한번역좀 도와주세요 ~♧

... types, hierarchical menus, dialogue boxes, and... to hierarchical menus that allow the user to switch... types, hierarchical menus, dialogue boxes, and command-line...


영어 해석 부탁합니다...

... I have that hierarchical thing... I've studied art for over five years now. I'm... I have that hierarchical thing... 우리는 모두 큰 네트워크를 이루고...


[내공30]3문장해석이요 !!

Scalar Chain =계층화에 대한 내용인데요 The Scalar Chain is hierarchical... Scalar Chain =계층화에 대한 내용인데요 The Scalar Chain is hierarchical...


한문장 해석해주세요.

... and hierarchical structures of the Norman Kingdom. 내공드려요 잘부탁드려요.... and hierarchical structures of the Norman Kingdom. 사실, 이탈리아 남부의...


영어 번역 부탁드립니다.

Processing of visual information proceeds in a hierarchical manner from very low-level, bottom-up processing of basic features to high-level, top-down processing by the PFC....

태그: 영어번역

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