hepatitis Qna 관련 답변 10 페이지

제 간조직검사 판별좀해주세요

... ㅜ DIAGNOSIS: Liver, needle biopsy: Chronic hepatitis, HBV associated with lobular activity (grade2) with... hepatitis란 간염을 말하는데 A,B, C, D형으로 나뉘어 지죠. 우리나라사람에게 젤로...


간암 말기 복수가심해요..

... My father had hepatitis B and hepatocellular carcinoma due to hepatitis B. I did not know it at... If there is a way I can give you a liver cancer advice.My 간암 말기 복수father had hepatitis B...



... side sensory change P/Hx: HTN(-)DM(-)Tbc(-), Hepatitis(-) N/Ex: mentality:alert... HTN(-)DM(-)Tbc(-), Hepatitis(-) 과거력 : 고혈압, 당뇨, 결핵, 간염 (없음)...


간단한 영어문장 해석 부탁드려요 TqT

... Now we share hepatitis and HIV. 12. My sister always looked up to me. Even after I... Now we share hepatitis and HIV. 나는 내 친구들과 모든것을 나눈다....


(내공 60)간 조직 검사 해석 좀...

... pre-biopsy diagnosis: hepatitis C post-biopsy diagnosis... chronic hepatitis, HCV associated -mild lobular activity -mild... chronic hepatitis) 활성도 간소엽 활성 (Lobular...


혈액검사 간 관련 설명부탁드립니다

... HBsAg (Hepatitis B surface Antigen, B형 간염 표면 항원)... Anti-HBs (Hepatitis B surface Antibody, B형 간염 표면... Anti-HBc (Hepatitis B core Antibody, B형 간염 핵심 항체) B형...

태그: , 건강검진, B형간염, 지방간, A형간염


... by the hepatitis B virus. Scientists hope that 2. of the body will help them... by the hepatitis B virus. 그들은 또한 고대의 러브스토리를 말해준다....


영어번역!! 진짜 급하거든요 도와주세요...

... hepatitis - News Digests - United States Centers for Disease Control, O'Charley's Inc., hepatitis A outbreak... a hepatitis A outbreak may be linked to contaminated green...


의무기록 해석 부탁드립니다 ㅠ.ㅠ..

... HTN/DM/TBc/hepatitis/dyslipedemia(+/-/-/+/-) Medication : 고혈압약 OP Hx... HTN/DM/TBc/hepatitis/dyslipedemia(+/-/-/+/-) 고혈압/당뇨/결핵/간염/이상지혈증...


영어 해석 좀요(내공 100)

... had hepatitis C,an incurable disease. She had gotten... of hepatitis C. Roddick died of a brain hemorrhage on... had hepatitis C,an incurable disease. 2007년...


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