deficit Qna 관련 답변 10 페이지

반줄 질문 입니다

Vietnam estimated that its trade deficit this year would more than double to $ 12.44 billion... trade deficit this year /would {more than} double //to $ 12.44 billion from a year...


해석좀 해주세요ㅠㅠ

An equitable approach to deficit reduction Contrasting this agenda with the reforms... An equitable approach to deficit reduction 적자 감소를 위한 공평한...


해석해주세여~ㅠㅠ내공 100드릴께요...

광고The country`s agricultural trade deficit may hit... trade deficit. Agricultural exports in the first... trade deficit in the sector will break the $10 billion...


Not an oppotunity to decrease the...

Not an opportunity to decrease the budget deficit has been... budget deficit has not been given the new marketing... Not an opportunity to decrease the budget deficit has been given the...


내과에서 처방 가능한 각성제

... 질환에 따라 처방이 가능합니다 예컨대 주의력결핍 과잉행동장애(Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 즉 ADHD)로 진단된 경우 암페타민(아데랄), 메틸페니데이트...


고수님들 플리즈 도와주세요~~ 콜~~

... deficit of more than $2 trillion by the middle of the 1980s, the United States had a total trade deficit... Accumulating a government deficit of more than $2...



... also, the govr\ernment should collect more taxes to cover the deficit. has anyone... also, the government should collect more taxes to cover the deficit. 또한, 정부는...


시사영어 번역좀(내공 30)

... budget deficit. Yet, the policy of buying U.S.... government's annual fiscal deficit. Thanks to loyal... fiscal deficit with ease, ballooning military and...


해석 하나만 해주세요.

... That the government is running a budget deficit. c. That more funds were... That the government is running a budget deficit. 정부가 예산 적자를 겪고...


이거 설명 좀 해주세요

An unfavorable movement in the terms of trade may actually reduce a deficit on the current account of the balance of payment 교역조건 악화가 경상수지 적자를 줄인다는 뜻인데 왜...


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