coure Qna 관련 답변 10 페이지

한국어 -> 영어로좀.. 내공100

... But i kinda like foreigners, of coure Tom you too. Well i'm not against particular nations or cultures. I know nothing about foreign culture or stuffs like that.. so well, i'm...


영어로 번역좀 해주세요~ 급해요

... A: 당연히 먹었지 조개구이 바베큐 소주까지~~ Of coure I did. I had a Barbeque with Soju as well. B: 폭죽놀이 같은건 안했어? What about fire works? Did you play...


윈도우 폰트파일 삭제할것

... ttf coure.fon couree.fon coureg.fon courer.fon couret.fon courf.fon courfe.fon courfg.fon courfr.fon courft.fon couri.ttf cvgafix.fon cvgasys.fon desktop....


영어 문장해석 부탁드립니다

Students who have real requests or complaints to make can of coure be encouraged to write real letters and then actually to mail them 입니다 내일 10까지 해석해야하는데...


한글→영어 부탁합니다 ~사랑합니다 (-0...

... 동희: of coure, I got. 정호: Please show me, Have you got it now? 동희: No, I left at home. 정호: Let's see after having dinner. I want to have look. 동희: sorry. there...


어제 어떤 미국인이 전화를 했는데요......

... Of coure the names are not familiar to me. I guess you got a wrong number. If you need any help, please dial this number ..... I'm sorry I can't help you enough. I wish you can find someone whom you're...


영어 이의제기신청 영작 부탁드려요...

... Strangely enough, I have got grade F for your coure. I never expect too good a grade because I know my own ability. But I have done my best and done my project with much...


번역좀 부탁드립니다

... ' Si tu veux courir,n'arrive pas en retard et tu dois etre en retard, ne coure pas. Si tu vas le regretter,ne vis pas ainsi et si tu veux vivre ainsi, ne le regrette pas. 한문은 잘 모르겠네요.


★★영작좀 해쥬세요!! 꼭이요 ㅠ

... I've nver met like you. I'll take lots of picture of coure no more than you. I haven't go abroad, I'll get lots of money in the future, and I go all over the world! kk


급!!!!!!!! 영작 부탁해요...

... Of coure, I wish to learn the second language. 전 어렸을때부터 미술에 흥미를 가졌고 그림을 그리는것은 생활의 일부였습니다, When I was young, I interested in art...


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