as much as Qna 관련 답변 10 페이지

As much responsibility as

As much responsibility as도 맞는 표현인가요? 맞는 문장입니다. 예를 들어.. It is important to recognize that employees and managers both have as much responsibilty...


as much as

"We can become better players if we are ready to learn as much as we can." -만약 우리가 가능한 한 많은 것을 배울 준비가 되어 있다면 더 좋은 배우들이 될 수...

태그: 고등영어문법

영문법 as much/ as many

you don't have as much space to house as many orchards. 여기서 house가 동사인건가요? 이 문장에서 as much 와 as many가 그냥 따로따로 있는건지 아니면 as much as.. 뭐...


as much as

... (A) along (B) even so (C) readily (D) as much as 위 문제의 정답이 as much as 입니다. 막연히 숫자 수식하는 부사라서 답이 된다기보다 보다 구체적인 근거를...


as much as

as much as는 따로 따로 8품사 중 뭐예요?? 앞에 as: much: 뒤에 as: as : 부사 much : 대명사 또는 부사 as : 접속사

태그: 영어, as, 품사

As much / many as 질문합니당

... countries as much as in industrialized ones. 이 문장 마지막 as much as에서 왜 much인지 알고싶습니다 산업화된 국가만큼으로 생각해 many도 된다고...


as much as 질문

We don't have as much as money like you 랑 We don't have as much money as you 랑 같은 뜻이라고 나오는데 이 두 문장의 차이점이 뭔가요? as much as를 사용할때 이 사이에 명사...


영어 as much/many 명사 as 질문

I earn as much money as you. 이 문장을 I earn money as much as you 라고 바꾸면 안되는 이유는 불가산명사이기 때문에 라고 알고 있는데요. 왜 불가산명사라서...


as much as (~만큼) 이란 표현...

i think she likes you as much as you do. 라는 문장을 해석해보면 나는 그녀가 니가 좋아하는 만큼 널 좋아하는 것 같아. 라는 뜻이 되죠? 그런데 i think she doesnt like...


He smoke as much as

He smoke as much as she does 에서 주어 절 동사가 과거면 she did가 되는건가요? 아니면 저 문장에서 시제는 어떻게 일치시켜야하나요! He smoke as much as she does 에서...


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