acquaintance Qna 관련 답변 10 페이지

빨리빨리 좀 답변 주세욤~!!!!! 내공 100!!...

... 9.The freshmen will hold their acquaintance party on... The freshmen will hold their acquaintance party on Saturday. 그 신입생들은 토요일에 acquaintance...


영문법 한문장 질문이요

... and acquaintance~ 에서 exposure 다음에 왜 to... and acquaintance wit... and acquaintance with the ways of other people 인데 ~ 중복/반복되는...


영어 문법 : for 주어 동사

Her acquaintance to each other, when they spoke of her at all, which was seldom for she was very negligible, called a perfect sight. 책 읽다가 이런 문장을 봤는데, 여기서...


Unless among 부분의 이해, 도와주세요.

He never speaks much unless among his intimate acquaintance.... intimate acquaintance. With them he is remarkable agreeable. unless/ (he is) among his intimate acquaintance...



... 1) I have an acquaintance in New York. I don’t talk... 2) An acquaintance, George, asked me if I would lend... 1) I have an acquaintance in New York. I don’t talk...


도치 질문이 있습니다.

I recently saw a news interview with an acquaintance who i was certain was going to lie about a few particularly sensitive issues, and lie she did. 위 문장에서 "lie she did"라는...


천일문 기본 3.0 영어문제(p.27 026번)...

... 뒤에 acquaintance까지 목적어가 아니고 length of까지만... 만약 length of 까지만 목적어라면 왜 acquaintance는 목적어에 들어가지 않죠? 아마 acquaintance까지...


영어 설명 좀 부탁드릴게요

I recently saw a news interview with an acquaintance who I was... an acquaintance who I was certain was going to lie about a... ㅜㅜ -> an acquaintance가 선행사이고 who는...


영어 문장 해석 부탁드립니다

... Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance 11. Your new hair... Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance 우정의 깊이는...


콤마의 사용

1.I recently saw a news interview with an acquaintance who I was certain was going to lie... 콤마의 사용 1.I recently saw a news interview with an acquaintance who I was...


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