virtues Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


the virtues of wisdom 이라는게...

the virtues of wisdom 번역기 돌리면 지혜의 덕이라고 나오는데 한국말로는 좀 이상하잔아요? 저게 의역하자면 무슨 표현일가요? 지혜의 덕이라는게 이상한줄은 잘...


A weed is a plant whose virtues...

A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. 이... ㅠㅠ A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. 1. A weed is a plant (선행사) + 2. Its virtues have not...


Susan's virtues not to allow the...

But I learned then, it was one of Susan's virtues not to allow... But I learned then, it was one of Susan's virtues ( not to... But I learned then, it was one of Susan's virtues not to...


virtues와 rights의 틀린점이 뭔가요?

지금 온라인 코스 laws and orders 배우고 있는데 질문이 What is the difference between rights and virtues? 이거네요 한국말로 번역해보면 virtue 하고 right...


Seven Cardinal Virtues에 대한...

Seven Cardinal Virtues 천주교에서 7가지 덕목 영어로 아리켜 주세염~! faithfulness, wish, charity, wisdom,moderation,justice,courage 입니다.


영어번역-The vice of our virtues

The vice of our virtues -the American creed is what makes... our virtues and vices. We refuse to see, as... The vice of our virtues 우리의 장점의 단점 -the American...


One of the many virtues of the

One of the many virtues of the book you are reading is that it provides an entry point into Maps of Meaning, which is a highly complex work because the author was working out his approach to psychology...


on which ] all the other virtues mount.

courage is the ladder [ which / on which ] all the other virtues mount.... other virtues mount. 원래 문장 courage is the ladder. All the other virtues mount on the ladder. 중복되는 the...


advantages와 virtues중에 뭘로...

'주변 사람들의 장점을' 이 부분을 번역하는데 있어서 the benefits of people around me 라고 하는게 적합한지 의문입니다. 원어민 교수님께서 읽으실건데, benefits는...


영어 문법질문

The greatest virtues are those which are most useful to other people. 여기서 those는... The greatest virtues are those[ which are most useful to other people]. 여기서 those는...

태그: 영어, 문법, 영문법, 영어문법, 관계사, 관계대명사, 영어해석, 해석, 작문

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