unreasonable Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


unreasonable = 불충분한 ?

제목과 같이 'unreasonable'의 뜻에 '불충분한'이... 상관없으니 unreasonable의 뜻이 '불충분한'이라고 나와있는... 하지만 unreasonable은 그 반대의 의미로도 쓰일 수 있습니다....


take place, unreasonable 질문

... You are usually very patient, so why are you being unreasonable about waiting 10 more minutes? 여기서는 unreasonable이... 이리 unreasonable 하니?' 니까 여기서 unreasonable은...


company's budget plan is unreasonable

[영문법](Many / Much)feel that the company's budget plan is unreasonable 에서 many 가 답인데 뒤에 feel 이 셀수 없는 명사이기에 Much 아닙니까?? 여기서 many는...



He appears to be unreasonably anxious about finding her. unreasonably 가 부사인데 어떤 뜻으로 쓰인 걸까요? Unfeasonablely는 irrationally와 synonym입니다. 하지만 저...


be unreasonable anxious about...

... As we understand it, he appears unreasonably anxious about finding her. 또는 As we understand it, he appears to be unreasonable and anxious about finding her.


It's unreasonable

It's unreasonable 를 사용한 문장이 필요해요 ㅠ 15개정도요ㅠ 구글에서 It is unreasonable 검색 해 보세요. 예문 많습니다.



... Believing that test performance is a reflection of your virtue places unreasonable pressure on... Believing that test performance is a reflection of your virtue places unreasonable pressure on your...


영어 해석

In the door-in-the-face technique, a large, unreasonable... large, unreasonable request is made, which is turned... this = a large, unreasonable request the door-in-the-face...


영어 1문장 문법 질문

It would be unreasonable for it be cheap. 1. 이거... It(가주어) would be unreasonable [for it(의미상주어... 진주어 to 부정사가 맞습니다 It's unreasonable to...


영어 질문드립니다ㅠ_ㅠ

... was unreasonable. 1. that절이 direction을 꾸며주고... felt 다음에 was unreasonable이 나왔는데 felt가 2형식... He might have felt the direction was unreasonable. 즉...


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