sugery Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


have sugery 와 perform sugery의 차이점

have sugery 와 perform sugery의 차이점이 있나요? 아니면 둘다 수술하다라는... 일단 수술하다는 말은 sugery가 아니라 surgery이구요 opreration이라는 말이...


왜 would가 맨앞에 있는거죠??

Would it make any difference to your recovery if during sugery... Would it make any difference to your recovery / if during sugery... = If during sugery someone said to you, would it make any difference to...


문장앞에 오는.........것

... Too much plastic sugery is a big problem side effects . 여기서 문장앞에 올수있는것이... good looks는 좋은 인상 정도로 해석할 수 있겠고 Too much plastic sugery 는...


영어독해 내공有

... for sugery on Tuesday to remove the extra fingers and toes... for sugery on Tuesday to remove the extra fingers and... scheduled,for sugery는 부사구,on Tuesday는 때를...


CS가 무슨 약어인가요?

... 헷갈리네요.. CS도 많은 CS가 있는데 Customer Service 고객 서비스란 뜻도 있고 의료 용어로 본다면 Cardiovascular sugery 흉부외과를 뜻한다고 합니다


내공80 해석해쥬세요

... The primary medical treatments for cancer-sugery, chemotherapy, radiation... The primary medical treatments for cancer-sugery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or...



... Also it has a high digestive power so it's good for recovery after sugery. Recently... after sugery. Recently, women are also eating it with a faith that it will...



... a.dries cocoa beans b.processes milk c.dries milk d.boils sugery juice 2.... a.dries cocoa beans b.processes milk c.dries milk d.boils sugery juice 2. Which of...


편도결석 삼키면?

... Otolaryngology-Head and Keck Sugery (2009) 141, 316-321 그런데 질문자님 편도결석이 자주 생기신다니 고생을 많이 하실 걸로 예상이 됩니다 저 또한 편도결석 6년차로써...


영어 which문제인데요 문법 풀이...

Her attitude, which was extremly positive, aided her recovery from sugery - 그 여자의... Her attitude, which /was extremly positive, /aided //her recovery /from sugery - 그 여자의...


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