stretching back Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

주요구문 3개하고 숙어 3개 뜻까지...

... West, stretching back about three centuries and using reproductions of engravings. 유명한 미국 민족학자인 알프레드 크레버는 서부 지역에서의 여성 이브닝...


영작좀 해석해주세용 내공검50

... which is full of archaeological remains stretching back thousands of years. This great city domainated the Greek world in the Classical period, during the yrears 500...


다음 문장 번역 좀 부탁드립니다.....

Historical change is usually seen by historians as incremental and securely moored in a sequence of development stretching back in time. A practical compromise is that the...


급합니다ㅠㅠ영어독해 부탁드립니다...

English has a long history stretching back over 1,000 years. Even though it is called by the same name, The language of 1,000 years ago is not easily understandable today....


bbc뉴스해석부탁 ㅠㅠ..이것도내공...

... It could be the breakdown of the "Goldilocks era" for global commodities - a period stretching back more than 30 years, during which the price of basic foodstuffs has...


Clay pot cooking 이거 영어를한글로좀...

... This technique has a long history, stretching back at least to ancient Roman times, and is commonly used in several cuisines in Southeast and East Asia. Cooking...


영어 ->한국어번역 부탁드립니다

... Miller Hull had a long track record in green building, stretching back to its founding in the 1970s. David Miller, the co–managing partner, also chairs the...


for의 쓰임

~~,stretching back 40000 years. ~~,stretching back for thousands of years. 첫 번째 문장은 for이 없고, 두 번째 문장은 있는데 무슨 차이인가요?? 또, 두 번째...


everything sad is untrue ( a true...

... But Khosrou's stories, stretching back years, and decades, and centuries, are beautiful, and terrifying, from the moment his family fled Iran in the middle of the night with...

태그: , 줄거리자세히부탁합니다, 제발알려주세요부탁드려요, everythingsadisuntur


... the hand 문장 끝나고 behind 부사 같은데 back stretching 명사가 저 자리에 들어갈 수 있나요? 2.문장구조 분석 Clasping the hands...


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