single locus Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

At a single genetic

At a single genetic locus, a diploid individual may have more than two different alleles. 이게 왜 틀린 말인가요?? 복대립유전일 경우 한 유전자 자리에 3개 이상의 대립...



... a single locus. 하나의 효소이지만 아미노산 서열이 달라서 생화학적인 특성...전기영동으로 인한 이동의 차이등을 보이는 경우를 말합니다. 지놈상에서의...


이 논문 해석 부탁드립니다..

... 18 single-locus, homozygous lines were examined for GUS activity pattern andstaining intensity (Figure 2A). This construct directed expression in nonvernalized plants in...


이거 해석좀 부탁드립니다..^^급해요..!!

... The single locus of this strategy for chain organizations must be to determine whether having two brands competing under the same roof for essentially...


affected sibpairs가 무슨뜻인가요?

... Nevertheless, most authors consider genetic models with a single DS locus and assume that the allele frequencies at this locus are in Hardy-Weinberg...



의학용어에서 치과에대한것 좀 알려주세요 치과에대한 의학용어입니다. abortive measles 불현홍역 abortive transduction 불발형질도입 abortive...


경제관련 영어 해석 부탁드립니다.

... the locus of these equilibria is plotted in Figure 1 as the line 1=O in NA, NM... largest single item in the budget of most urban workers. (See Massell and Heyer...


내공 100!!!! 분자생물학, pcr 관련...

... Individuals usually have two different alleles at a particular locus (one inherited... (b) The PCR products from amplification of 16 STR loci run on a single capillary acrylamide...


의학 저널 번역 부탁드립니다... 번역기...

... Moreover, the locus of this new type of aphasia was different from that described... to single areas of the Cortex. More complex cognitive functions, he argued...


호모 사피엔스의 16s rRNA의 서열을...

... rRNA LOCUS NR_003286 1871 bp rRNA linear PRI 07-FEB-2007 DEFINITION Homo... TITLE Human ribosomal RNA variants from a single individual and their...


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