rite of passage Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지



Some cultures draw a clear line between childhood and adulthood, a line that is crossed when a person undergoes a rite of passage. 어떤 문화에서는 아동기와 성인기에 명백한...


영어 문법 질문

Some cultures draw a clear line between childhood and adulthood, a line that crossed when a person undergoes a rite of passage. It is caused by a virus that was identified in 2003...



Some cultures draw a clear line between childhood and adulthood, a line that crossed when a person undergoes a rite of passage. 여기에서 a line 이 왜 동사와 나오지 않고...


영어 문법 질문

An obvious example would be the modern white wedding dress Western cultures use to mark this rite of passage.에서 Western ~ 은 무슨 문장인가요?? 왜 저렇게...


미국 중학생인데요 rites of p

... ㅠ 성인식이나 세례식 같은 것도 포함될 것 같습니다 통과의례로서 그리스도교 세례 예식의 연구 = A Study on the Baptismal Ritual as Human Rite of Passage...


영어 문장 문법 설명부탁드려요 ㅠ

... Some cultures draw a clear line between childhood and adulthood , aline that crossed when a person undergoes a rite of passage. 문장에서 when a person undergoes a rite of...

태그: 영어

Several English Questions 199 [내공...

*Biden’s visit to the hospital — in which he will talk privately with patients, their doctors and their families — is a rite of passage that presidents often make, [giving...



Summer jobs are a rite of passage in the United States. It's the time that many students get their first taste of work life. Many teen job neophytes work as a waiter or...


[팝송] 이디나 멘젤의 - brave 번역좀...

... If this is the moment I stand here on my own If this is my rite of passage that somehow leads me home I might be afraid But its my turn to be brave If this is the last...


관계대명사 구분 헷갈립니다

Some cultures draw a clear line between childhood and adulthood, a line that crossed when a person undergoes a rite of passage. a line that crossed when a person undergoes a rite of passage....


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