remotely Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


remotely interesing

remotely interesing 에서 remotely 는 동떨어진 인데 왜 해석하면 아주 흥미있는.... 여기서 remotely interesting이 '흥미있는'으로 해석되는 이유는 Sarcasm (풍자)로...


WinMX에서 파일다운 누르면 'Remotely...

... Untitled 그 사람한테서 다운로드 받는 사람이 많아서 연결 순서를 기다리고 있다는 뜻으로 알고 있습니다 그 뒤의 숫자는 님의 순서입니다 예를들어 remotely queed (5)...


영어 문법 질문

The security system can be operated remotely using the HomeShield application for mobile devices.... operated remotely using the HomeShield application for mobile devices. using이 분사도...


영어 해석 해주세요

If any of this even remotely sounds like you, 연락 달라는 말 이 말을 이... even remotely sounds like you, let me know. This means anyone who has seen this...


영어해석 문법

jobs will be performed remotely over the hours you select 라는... performed remotely over the hours you select"에서는 'jobs'가... 부사구('remotely'), 관계절('over the hours you select...


영어 차이

... 문제에 Moreover, working remotely reduces transportation costs. 라고 썼는데... 문제에 Moreover, working remotely reduces transportation costs. 라고 썼는데 답이...


간단한 영어문장 질문

... to remotely suggest the release poses health or... to remotely suggest (that) the release poses health or... to (remotely:부사) suggest(to부정사). 가...

태그: 영어문법

As more and more lea

As more and more leaders work remotely or with team scatterd around national or global... 질문 As more and more leaders work remotely or with team scatterd around national or...

태그: As, With, Or, 접속사that

토익영어 ‘~마다’

you just started working remotely on Tuesdays. 이 문장을 저는... 문장 you just started working remotely on Tuesdays.에서 'on... 예를 들어, you started working remotely on a Tuesday와 같이...


수동태 뒤에 ing가 뭘로 쓰였는 지...

... The security system can be operated remotely using the HomeShield application for mobile... The security system /can be operated remotely 그 보안 시시템은 / 원격으로...


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