question Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

question 동사로 쓸때 4형식 동사는...

question은 몇형식 동사인가요 ㅜㅜㅜㅠ 4형식은 절대 안되나요???ㅜㅠㅜㅠㅜ 3형식, 4형식 모두 가능 ask a question to him 3형식 ask a question of him...

태그: 영어문법

These days, the question of wh

These days, the question of whether to remove the towels from their room has been replaced by the question of whether to re... 24 regram These days, the question of whether to remove the...


I asked that question

I asked that question!! 왜 ? 그냥 I asked question. 하면 안됄까요? 굳이 that을... I asked a question. I asked the question. I asked that question. 등 한정어가...

태그: 영어문법

Any more question?

Any more question?과 Any more question?s의 차이가 뭔가요? Any more question?과 Any more question?s의 차이가 뭔가요? >> 단수로 써도 되지만 any 뒤에는 주로...


The question I have is 문법 맞음?

The question I have is about the global priority shipping that... 다 이해 되는데 The question I have is .. 가 문법이 맞나요??? S S V V 뭐임? The question I have is about...

태그: 문법, 영어문법, 고등영어, 고등영어문법

hello, I have a question

... a question. First, I want to work in Korea, but I don't know what to do... First, the answer to the first question is to download an application called...


Regarding your question about

... your question about the budget, we'll discuss it in the next meeting With regard to your question about the budget, we'll discuss it in the next meeting Regard to your question...


서술형이 영어로 essay question?

... essay question라고 쓸 수 있나요? 안된다면 뭔지... short-answer question이라고 하고, 서술형 주관식의 경우, essay question이라고 합니다. 정확히 알고계세요~^^


How do I ask a question?

... a question. Please help me. thank you. Hello Koreans, I'm Italian. 한국분들... a question. 저는 우연히 지식in 이라 불리는 유용한 소통 공간을...

태그: 문제풀이

is answered가 question을...

A study showed that how quickly a question is answered... 질문 is answered가 question을 수식하는것인가 A study showed that how quickly a question is...


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