paleolithic Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


of Paleolithic Europe 해석...

... Plausibly, daily existence in parts of Paleolithic Europe may not have been so hard, with an abundance of ready food and therefore the leisure time for art. 해석: 타당하게도...


영어 해석

... Upper Paleolithic also seems to reflect how people got their food. 이 문장에서... Upper Paleolithic] also seems to reflect/ how people got their food. v c 이...


영어 나열할때 법칙좀 설명해주세용

... the Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze and Iron age like any other civilization in the world. 여기서 앞에 Paleolithic 이랑... the Paleolithic age, the Neolithic age, the Bronze age and the...


영어 문법 질문

... the paleolithic.에서 extent와 we 사이에 뭐가... the paleolithic to whatever small extent.인가요? to... the paleolithic.에서 extent와 we 사이에 뭐가...


2023 수능특강 영어 TEST 2 12번...

... about Paleolithic "chemistry" - for example, if they somehow thought... Paleolithic peoples 구석기 시대 민족돌은 may have had... about Paleolithic "chemistry" 구석기 시대 화학에 대해서...


Where 질문이요

Paleolithic man had led the unsettled life of the hunter and food gatherer, reaping... Where 질문이요 Paleolithic man had led the unsettled life of the hunter and food...


번역 부탁드립니다 오늘 4시까지요

The Paleolithic Age is a prehistoric period that stretches... The climate during the Paleolithic changed and the... Thus, the two things that defined the Paleolithic period were...


어린이날 선물 및 행사 크리스마스

... 서울 서커스 페스티벌 (5/4일 ~ 5/5일까지) 연천 전곡리 축제 (5/3일 ~ 5/6일까지) 예천 세계 활 Festival (5/4일 ~ 5/7일까지) 공주 석장리 Paleolithic Festival (공주 석장리 축제)...

태그: 어린이날, 어린이날선물, 어린이날가볼만한곳, 어린이날행사, 크리스마스선물, 크리스마스선물추천


... 변역기사절 신고 제목 : The Paleolithic Age The Paleolithic Age is a... Thus, the two things that defined the Paleolithic period were hunting and farming....


번역좀 (번역기X)

... Warlike clashes between Paleolithic peoples had... Paleolithic groups were forced to adapt to the Neolithic... the Paleolithic was impossible because Paleolithic...


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