overprotective Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

문장형식 질문

Overprotective parents spare kids from all natural consequences. 문장 성분 분석좀요. Overprotective parents/ spare/ kids /from all natural consequences. 주어...


영어문장 분석

... However, if you constantly run interference for him as an overprotective parent, you... an overprotective parent, you take away the opportunity for him to learn how to cope...


어법상이나 흐름상 어색한 부분있으면...

These days, there are many parents who are overprotective to their children, and I found that this attitude hinders their own efforts and growth. I realized how...

태그: 영어문법, 영어해석, 영어작문, 영어어색한부분, 어색한부분

영어문장 해석 및 분석

i know i am overprotective, but it's because i couldn’t bear to think what i would do were something to happen to you. 내가 과보호하는건 안다 하지만 그건 내가 ~~라고 생각하는걸...


영어 문장성분

Overprotective parents spare kids from all natural consequences. Unfortunately... 목적어 Overprotective parents / spare //kids from all natural...


Emily is being overprotected of Tom...

... Emily is overprotective of Tom Emily is protective of Tom... is overprotective of Tom.이 옳은 표현입니다. 예) Why is my mama so overprotective of me? 왜 엄마는 나를...


이거 영문장 번역 부탁해요!!

Aren't you meant to do the overprotective brother speech? Or are you just going to do... Aren't you meant to do the overprotective brother speech? = 오빠는...


영어 해석 제발 부탁드려요.

... display overprotective parenting behaviors that are... parental overprotective behaviors and various forms... display overprotective parenting behaviors that are...


해석해주세요! (내공)

... As a mother figure for Peter Pan, Wendy is overprotective, possessive and... is overprotective, possessive and sacrificial. 피터팬의어머니형태에따르자면...


해석 해주세요!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

... They just want to be the overprotective he-licopter parents. So, we have so many... They just want to be the overprotective he-licopter parents. 그들은 단지...


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