not able to sin Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

영어 번역 좀 부탁합니다.

... The liberty of sinners in the state of sin is not to be able not to sin. The liberty of believers, in grace, is to be able to sin, and not to sin. But the liberty of Adam was to be able...


영자신문 해석해주세요 ㅠㅠ

... are not able to cast their ballot on April 29. For identification purposes, they... " Chung is competing against the Saenuri Party's Oh Sin-hwan and the NPAD's Jung...


영어를 잘못해서 그런데 영어 해석 부

... When people fly these as their pastime, they are not only able to enjoy the winds... For example, kim Yu-Sin, a Shilla general, used These as a means of communication....



... 'Hate the sin but not the sinner'. It just means you can hate someone's action... order to not being able to commit crimes. In fact, For them should have the...


예수님에 대한 질문인데여..

... Jesus had to be born because of mankind's sin. God created Adam and Eve and... 35 And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation...

태그: 예수님, 기독교, 성경, 하느님, jesus, saviour, 프로젝트, 미국학교, 종교, god


... When people fly THESE as their pastime, they are not only able to enjoy the winds... For example, Kim Yu-Sin, a Shilla general, used THESE as a means of...



... 1)당사자 - 하나님과 아담 2)약속 - 온전한 의미에서의 영생 : able not to sin (죄를 안 지을 수도 있었다.) 계명을 순종하면 not able to sin (죄를 지을 수 없는 상태가 되는 것이...


영어번역 좀 부탁드려요...

... willful sin of pride: Satan chose to follow his own will instead of God's will.... would not be able to tempt true religious believers.) Many modern psychologists...


현재분사구문, 과거분사구문 예문 좀...

... know not how the Spirit moves, convincing men of sin... last able to go to dinner at Bloch's.(2ST348)(완분) {} My brother having taken the key, I could not...


영어 해석좀 부탁합니다.

... When people fly these as their pastime, they are not only able to enjoy the winds... For example, kim Yu-Sin, a Shilla general, used These as a means of communication....


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