narrate Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


narrate 발음

... narrate 1.동사:격식 이야기를 하다[들려주다] (=relate) 2.동사: (다큐멘터리 등의) 내레이션을 하다 미국∙영국 [ nəˈreɪt; ] 미국식 [ ˈnæreɪt ] 옥스퍼드...


영어 문법

... vigilant narrate quest 1.The herd of elephants... vigilant narrate quest 1.The herd of elephants... They hired a famous actor to ___narrate___ their...


영어 발음 알려주세요! 본토발음으로!

... explode narrate administer haunt dispense differ eliminate fade 끝에 t는... 잌스플로드 narrate 내레이트 administer 어드미니스털 haunt 헌트 dispense...


영어 문장 해석좀 부탁 드립니다.

... It is all the stuff that we cannot narrate, or at least narrate without losing our... It is all the stuff [that we cannot narrate, or (at least) narrate without losing...

태그: 영어해석

문장 해석 부탁드려요

Many biographies have been written that narrate his dominance in the music world. 아무리... Many biographies have been written /that /narrate / his dominance in the music world....


3줄 번역 부탁드려요 (내공 바로 드림)

... Narrate the events that led up to the moment in the photograph. Narrate the events that follow the moment in... Narrate the events that led up to the moment in the...



... narrate 30. native 31.obscure 32. persistent 33. permanent 34. potential 35.sabotage... narrate(말하다) 30. native(토착의) 31.obscure(모호한) 32. persistent...


5월 24일자 뉴욕 타임즈 기사 해석좀...

... self-narrate when clicked. Future versions are in the works for mobile phones and... self-narrate when clicked. 스크레치의 드래그 드랍(drag-and-drop)...



... Encouraging them to narrate their own stories has many benefits, including, of... Encouraging them to narrate their own stories has many benefits, including, of course...


영어 좀 해석 부탁해요~~ㅠ;;;

... types narrate events, he argues, but by differing means. He distinguishes between... types narrate events, he argues, but by differing means. 그의공화국(c....


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