minites Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


you will have to arr

you will have to arrive a few minites before your session starts... you will have to arrive a few minites before your session starts... 위의 문장도 will을 빼고 you have to arrive a few minites before...


The session won't la

... 질문에 대한 답으로 No, just 10minites are allowed 인데 이 답변의 해석이 그래요... 에 대한 답으로 No, just 10 minites are allowed. 라고 했을 때, 여기서 긍정은...


For about

이 약 이라는 의미가 잇나요 about[약, ~쯤] + 숫자 for about three minites 약 3분 동안


영어 발음 좀 부탁...

... In this 2 minites speech, I will tell you about my intimate friend 00. I met her... 빨리 부탁드려요ㅠ In this 2 minites speech, I will tell you about my intimate...


영어 질문이요

... M Mara's flight (be goung to get in/is getting in) ten minites later, so we ('re... M Mara's flight (be goung to get in/is getting in) ten minites later, so we ('re...


영어해석해주세요 _ (내공잇슴!)

... After 10 minites the bicycle broke down with a strange sound. He also had his... After 10 minites the bicycle broke down with a strange sound. 10분뒤에 자전거는...


영어 작문 첨삭 부탁드립니다ㅠㅠ

... It takes only 5minites for each for full-charging. Smart-Hanger: Must Have... It takes only 5minites for a full recharge. each for full-charging....


영어 번역좀부탁합니다 (내공 20걸어요~)

... I just renning from house to school (around 20 minites)'m kinda cold..... I just renning from house to school (around 20 minites)'m kinda cold.. 난...


as 형 a 명 as

... 예문) The experimental group of participants then gave as detailed a description of the face as they could for 5 minites while the control group did something unrealated. 이것도 해석해...

태그: 문제풀이

영어해석부탁해요 내공 10

... After the game or activity,try to eat somecarbohydrates in the first 15 minites... After the game or activity,try to eat somecarbohydrates in the first 15 minites after...


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