luggage Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

왜 pieces of luggage 가 되나요?

When he goes abroad, he always takes the luggages. 정답 : luggages → pieces of luggage 짐 가방 크기가 제각각 luggage는 갯수 아니라 양으로, pieces 필요함


All the luggage was hand searc

All the luggage was hand searched for the sake of the security. 이 문장에서 hand가 was... the luggage was hand searched for the sake of the security. 이 문장에서 hand가 was...


The luggage was too heavy for me to...

The luggage was too heavy for me to lift it.가 틀리고 저 맨뒤에 it을 없애야... The luggage was {too} heavy {for me to lift...}.에서 lift의 목적어는 피수식어인...


We are sorry that we lost yout luggage

We are sorry that we lost yout luggage를 다른 표현으로... We are sorry that we lost yout luggage를 다른... 쓰는건가요? we are sorry for having lost your luggage 입니다


man you should entrust your luggage to"

... your luggage to. 의 문장구조가 어떻게 되나요?... luggage to the man. =He didn't look like the sort of man (whom(=who, that)) you should entrust your luggage to....

태그: 영어문법, 문장구조분석, 영어, 영어독해

Is that your luggage over there?...

Is that your luggage over there 여기에서 접속사 that이 주어,목적어,보어중에 뭘로... Is that your luggage over there 여기에서 접속사 that이 주어,목적어,보어중에...

태그: 영어문법

the less luggage you

the less luggage you have to carry, the better it is 이 문장... 앞에 luggage you 여기가 이해가안됩니다.... --------------------------------------- the less luggage you have to carry, the...


all my luggage 와 my

all my luggage 와 my whole luggage 88.4 에 7번 문제에서 둘 다 맞지않나요? 왜 all my luggage가 답인가요?? 위의 D 섹션에 설명이 있네요 일반적으로 whole은 셀 수...

태그: 영어, 문법, grammarinuse

luggage를 주로 많이 쓰는 나라는?...

luggage를 가장 많이 쓰는 나라는 둘중에 어디에요? 미국이요. 영국은 그냥 baggage라고 하는경우가 더 많습니다.

태그: 궁금, 답답

All the luggage was

All the luggage was hand searched. hand가 왜 was와 searched... All the luggage was hand searched. hand가 왜 was와 searched... the luggage가 됩니다. 4.해석은 "모든 짐들은 손...


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