for comparison Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

comparison forcomparison of의...

... for는 for comparison (비교를 위해, 비교용으로) 이런 식으로 쓰입니다. ~의 비교를 뜻할 때는 comparison of .... 이렇게 쓰는 게 맞구요. A와 B의 비교는...


for 명사 동사.... 해석.. 영어해석...

... for comparison is never to be extended beyond that point 이런식으로 문장이 앞에서 끊겼는데 for 명사 동사 순서로 나오면 해석을 어떻게 해야하죠..? 다른...


영어 질문요ㅜㅜ

thinking of yourself as succesful,talented,responsible, or fairly paid depends entirely on whom you choose for comparison. whom부터 모르겠어요 문장구조랑 직독직해좀...


영어 문장 구조 분석 부탁드려요

본문장 By relevant we mean others who are likely to be sufficiently close to us in terms of some overall scale for comparison to be meaningful. By relevant we mean others [who...


해석 문법 도와주세요

In the same way, thinking of yourself as successful taleted,responsible, or fairly faid depends entirely on whom you choose for comparison. thingking 부터 해석이 힘드네요ㅜㅠㅠ...


영어 문법 수식 질문이여

... 그리고 Human actively seek out particular people and select particular skills or attributes for comparison. 에서 for comparison이 attributes를 꾸며줘서 비교하기위한 속성...


영어 번역 부탁드려요, 번역기는 죄송

... The other thing we need from you is a photo of yourself for comparison. Please take a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper that says “Tumblr, this is...


목MRI와 관련한 내용(영어) 해석 좀...

... STIR sagital Comparison: No previous studies are available for comparison. Findings: 7 mm T1 hypointense, T2/STIR hyperintense ovoid lesion within the T1...


astm 번역

... Retain the fourth specimen of each alloy for comparison purposes. At the end of the 24 hours remove the test specimens and proceed as follows: Rinse thoroughly under...


워킹홀리데이 재검 메일

... � Old chest x-rays for comparison (if available); OR repeat PA film at the completion of cultures � Any previous reports regarding any treatment of tuberculosis;...


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