father Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

father farther 발음이 같은가요?

father farther 뜻도 같은가요? father farther 뜻도 같은가요? >> father 는 아버지 farther는 far의 비교급으로 의미가 다릅니다. 미국영어에서는 farther의 r이...


I bet your father spanked you a lot...

I bet your father spanked you a lot when you were young. => 해석하면? I bet your father spanked you a lot when you were young. 나는 네 아버지가 네가 어렸을 때...


being a father

being a father 에서 being의 역할이나 뜻을 뭐라고... a father"에서는 "아버지로서의 본질이나 상태"를... "Being a father"는 어떤 사람이 현재 아버지로서의 역할이나...


His father showed hi

His father showed himself examples. His father himself showed examples. His father showed him examples. ( him 은 son) 셋다 맞는 문장인가요? 질문 His father...


my father is person

my father is the person whom i admire most인데 person이... "my father"는 "person" 중 한 명을 의미하므로... 따라서 원래 문장인 "my father is the person whom I admire most...


My father wins evert

My father wins evert time he plays golf. 문장분석과 형식 직독직해 부탁드려요 주절 My father(주) wins(동) 1형식 부사절 evert time(접) he주) plays(동) golf(목)...


The father as well a

The father as well as his children were singing a song. 이 문장 어디가 틀렸죠? * The father as well as his children were singing a song. - The father as...


Kate's father is a t

Kate's father is a teacher 에서 kate 하고 is가 왜 붙는 거죠.. 그럼 문장에 주어 동사가 4개인건가요 질문 Kate's father is a t Kate's father is a...

태그: 문제풀이

you and your father

you and your father 인칭대명사가 they아닌가요? 근데 문법책은 you 라고 되어있는데... your father 인칭대명사가 they아닌가요? 근데 문법책은 you 라고 되어있는데 왜...

태그: 문제풀이

My father acts as if

My father acts as if there were no one around him when... 이 문장을 My father acts as if there were nobody else when watching tv 라 써도 되나욥? My father acts as...


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