familiar Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

All that is familiar is taken away.

All that is familiar is taken away. 두 번째 나오는 is는 왜 are이 아니라 is인가요 All <that is familiar> is taken away. 주어 all 이 불가산용법이므로 is


Be familiar with/to 다른가요?

Be familiar with랑 to랑 다른 뜻인가요? 네, be familiar with와 be familiar to는 다른 뜻입니다. be familiar with는 누가 무엇이나 누구를 잘 알고 있다는 의미이고, be...


be used to be familiar with

<Students are familiar with smartphones.> I'd like to change this sentence while... Students are familiar with smartphones. = Students are used to smartphones....


sb/st be familiar to

sb/st be familiar to sb sb be familiar with sb/st 이렇게 구분하는거 맞나요?... sb/st be familiar to sb sb be familiar with sb/st 이렇게 구분하는거 맞나요? 해석상...


familiar 이라는 단어는 형용사인데

... looked familiar 에서는 뒤에 명사가 왜 안붙은걸까요... looked familiar 에서는 뒤에 명사가 왜 안붙은걸까요 --- look은 2형식 동사로서 familiar와 같은 형용사...


bw familiar with/to

frescoes are so familiar a featuere of ltalian churches that they are easy to take it for granted familiar 뒤에 목적어... frescoes are so familiar a featuere of ltalian churches that...


I was familiar

I was familiar with the awkward way that Juan Salvado walked on the land. 이 문장에서 that이 관계대명사인가요? ㅠ 모르겟어요 네, that은 관계대명사로...


important is to become familiar with

What's most important is to become familiar with the language first.. 이 문장의 구성을... What's most important is to become familiar with the language first.. 최상급...


with familiar expectations.''가...

I give you a simple regime with familiar expectations.가 무슨뜻인가요? I give you a simple regime with familiar expectations. =>나는 익숙한 기대를 가진...


There nestled between the familiar...

There nestled between the familiar spines sits a red notebook. 익숙한 책들사이에... 형태입니다 A red notebook / sits nestled / between the familiar spines 이 변형된거죠


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