evangelism Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


영어 문법 맞나요?

... medical evangelism of the natives. His second achievement was the... medical evangelism of the natives. His second achievement was the establishment...

태그: 영어문법, 빠르고정확한답변좀부탁드립니다, 문법

영어 장문 해석좀요

The Way and The Evangelism Today,pastor Kim said about the gespel, the way and the evangelism, For the gospel and evangelism. They are "perfect". We need to satisfy with...


문법 틀린 부분 있나요ㅜㅜ??

... And devoted himself to the medical evangelism of the natives.The second... medical evangelism of the natives. His second achievement was the establishment of...

태그: 영어문법, 정확하고빠른답변부탁드립니다ㅠ, 내공100


... So we all can received answers together for world evangelism. How is your sister... world evangelism. 그래서 우리는 세계복음주의(성령대회)에서 함께...


영어 독해/번역 질문드려요 `

... in evangelism, but also in science and technology, in philosophy and education... in evangelism, but also in science and technology, in philosophy and education, in...


해석해주세요 (과이름)

... Education Evangelism emphasis, Pastoral Ministries Finance Graphic Design Greek... 교육 Evangelism emphasis, Pastoral Ministries 재무 Finance 재정 Graphic...


영어로 전도를 표기를 하면 정확한...

전도를 영어를 작성하면 어떼게 되죠 전도라는 단어가 여러 뜻을 가지고 있어서요~ conduction (전기나 열의) 전도 reversal (사람들간의 위치) 전도 evangelism, mission...


로잔언약 원문을 알고 싶습니다.

... of evangelism) 전도한다는 것은 기쁜 소식을... and evangelism) 아버지께서 그리스도를... in evangelism) 교회가 진리 안에서 가견적...


빈센트 반 고흐 작품 아무거나 해서

... He left for Borina to spread the gospel to the poor behind his ears, where he lived in a cabin to experience the life of the lowest class and devoted himself to evangelism, but...

태그: 목동고등영어추천, 목동중등영어, 목동중등영어추천, 목동초등영어, 목동초등영어추천, 영어1등급, 영어100점, 영어성적올리는법, 영어잘하는법, 영어1등급공부법

집사님이 영어로 뭔가요?

... 전도 evangelism 회계 Repentance 할례 circumcision 기도의 종류 믿음의 기도 The prayer of faith 합심 기도 The prayer of agreement (corporate prayer)...


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