demanded Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

[내공 100] She demanded that he...

She demanded that he shared what he knows with her.가 틀린... 에 따라서 She demanded that he (should) share what he knows with her.로 고쳤는데요. 답은 She demanded...


demanded 문법

... government demanded that further studies be conducted. 이... 그러니까 the government demanded that further studies to be conducted나 the government demanded that further...


He demanded that she

He demanded that she shoud clean the room 에서 demanded가 과거잖아요 근데 that절의 시제가... demanded 라고 과거시제로 한 이유를 아나요? 주어 he 가 that 절의 내용을 요구했습니다...


A lot was demanded o

A lot was demanded of her 많은 것들이 그녀에게... 질문 A lot was demanded of her 많은 것들이 그녀에게... -> 예문은 They demanded a lot of her라는 능동태 문장을 수동태로...


He demanded that he

He demanded that he was moved at once 에서 was▷ be로바꾸는데 is로는바꾸면안되나요? 내공50 He demanded that he was moved at once 에서 was▷ be로바꾸는데...

태그: 영어문법

chewing than is ever demanded of a mode

Their meals would have required far more chewing than is ever demanded of a modern child.... Their meals would have required far more chewing than is ever demanded of a modern...


People demanded the

People demanded the president step down 맞아요? to step down 아니에요? * People / demanded / [(that) the president (should) step down] - 명령/요구/주장 등의...


문제 한 줄 궁금합니다. 왜 demanded 인지.

when I was in school, there were many things that were demanded my time and energy. (틀린 문장 빨간 부분 답 : demanded) 위에 빨간 부분 답이 demanded 라고 해설지에 나와있어요....


The teacher demanded (that) be...

The teacher demanded (that) be quiet during the test.과 It's... The teacher demanded (that) everyone (should) be quiet during the... that절은 demanded의 목적어 역할을 하는...


the price demanded i

the price demanded is usually so high that it is more than a... price demanded is usually so high that it is more than a... it이 가리키는 것은 the price demanded입니다.

태그: 문제풀이

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