defict Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

many people depict the issue more...

many people depict the issue more seriously than it actually... people depict the issue more seriously than the issue... people depict the issue more seriously than it actually...


Depict는 타동사인가요?

Depict는 타동사인가요? 질문 Depict는 타동사인가요? 타동사 입니다


depict와 depicture의 차이

... 그림으로 묘사할때의 묘사하다인가요?.? depict와 depicture의 차이 의미는 둘 다 묘사하다입니다. depict은 실용언어이고 depicture는 잘 안쓰이는 어려운 단어입니다.


most of the murals depict game...

most of the murals depict game species running, leaping or chewing their foods... most of the murals depict game species running, leaping or chewing their...


영어 문장 자세히 분석해주세요 ㅠ

Yet to depict Lincoln as only a reluctant warrior aganist... [Yet to depict Lincoln as only a reluctant warrior aganist... to depict Lincoln as only a reluctant warrior aganist slavery]를...


이게 depict 동사가 안되는이유가

이게 depict 동사가 안되는이유가 won 이 있어서 d안되고 Forest divesity 를 꾸며 주는 분사 가 와야해서 depicting맞나요?? 정확하십니다.



Since Muslims believe that only Allah, their god, can create life, they do not depict images of... not depict images of people. 여기서 only앞에 the 가 안쓰인 이유가...


문장 형식 구분

... It was one of the first portraits to depict the sitter before an imaginary landscape... to depict the sitter before an imaginary landscape and caused a lot of debate over...


문장 형식

... It was one of the first portraits to depict the sitter before an imaginary landscape... (to depict the sitter before an imaginary landscape), 수식어구 (and caused a lot of...


영어 문법 편입문제 도와주세요 ㅠ

... Though some historical paintings depict women in metal armor, no one knows... Though some historical paintings depict women in metal armor, no one...


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