constrictor Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

constrictor 가 뱀인가요?

어린왕자 책을 읽다가 보아뱀 a boa constrictor 라는 단어를 봤는데 snake 가 뱀 아닌가요? 번역기에도 constrictor 는 압축한 뭐 그런걸로 나오던데 Constrictor는...


boa constrictor in the act to...

It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act to swallowing an animal. 해석좀 해주세요 좀 자세히 It / was a picture of a boa constrictor <in the...



... 책에 Boa constrictor 이라고 나오던데... 2. 만약 저거 뜻이... 왜 constrictor 을 쓰나요? '보아 뱀' 을 영어로 표현하는게 boa, 혹은 boa constrictor 입니다 보아 뱀은...



constrictor이 영어단어를 한국어로 어떻게 읽나요? 내공은 기대하세요... constrictor 이 단어의 한국어 발음 부탁합니다. (예:OK(오케이)) 위랑 똑같이 부탁 드림...


해리포터 원서 2장

The vanishing glass 쪽인데용 여기에 Boa constrictor, brazil... Constrictor. Amigo. Apologized. Cupboard랑 벽장. Collapsed. Miserable. Supposed. Constrictor은 '감아 죽이는 사람이나...


영어 해석해주세요.

It was that of the boa constrictor from the outside. and... It was that of the boa constrictor from the outside.... It was that of the boa constrictor from the outside. and...



... boa constrictor, whether from the inside or the outside, and devote myself instead to... boa constrictor, whether from the inside or the outside, and devote myself instead to...


기껏해야 속이보이는 보아뱀과 보이지...

Unlike a painting of a boa constrictor that shows the inside and an invisible boa constrictor, 듣다보니 잘 못 돼서 읽는... boa constrictor that shows the inside and an invisible boa...


in the book showed a

in the book showed a picture of a boa constrictor devouring... constrictor devouring an animal 아니라면 in 뺍니다 The book showed a picture of a boa constrictor...


문법 질문드립니다.

... It was that of the boa constrictor from the outside. Q1. 위... boa constrictor from the outside로 나타내면 안... It / was that of the boa constrictor // from the outside. Q1. 위...

태그: 영문법, 영어독해

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