chimp Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


The chimp who would be human

해석이 인간이 될 뻔했던 침팬지인데 왜 그런가요 그리고 사람이 아닌데 왜 who를 쓰나요 안녕하세요! would의 쓰임새중에 …였을[했을] 것이다(사실은 일어나지 않았지만...


영문법 질문입니다.

Chimp mothers are stretched to capacity finding to get enough... Chimp mothers are stretched to capacity finding to get enough food. 이 문장은 몇형식 문장인가요? Chimp mothers...


현재분사, 5형식 질문

Chimp mothers are stretched to capacity finding enough food to keep their larger-brained... Chimp mothers are stretched to capacity finding enough food to keep their larger-brained babies...

태그: 영어문법, 분사, 현재분사, 5형식, keep, 문법

여기 콤마가 없는 이유가 뭔가요?

... a chimp start running they both get hot. 지문에 이렇게 나와있는데 As soon as a person and a chimp... As soon as a person and a chimp start running they both...

태그: 문제풀이

to부정사, 동명사 질문

... On pulling the blanket, the nurse screamed to find a chimp. 1.... On pulling the blanket, the nurse screamed to find a chimp. 1.... because she find a chimp 접속사 생략/주어생략/동사...


츠루마키 마키의 기타

... com) 2012 Fender Japan Mustang Competition MG73 Old Candy Apple Red w/Match | Guitar Chimp Fender Mustang Competition MG-69 Red 1999 crafted in Japan Fender Mustang...


영어문장 질문

As soon as a person and a chimp start running they both get hot. running과 they... 종속부사절 As soon as a person and a chimp start running 주절 _____they both...


고1 영어 구문분석 및 문법 정리...

... As soon as a person and a chimp start srunning they both get hot. 두 문장... 부사절 As soon as a person and a chimp(주) starts(동) running(목) 3형식...


영어기사 해석해주세요

... The windfall for Tommaso places him No.3 on the list of wealthy pets, behind Kalu the chimp, whose owner left him $80 million dollars, and top dog Gunther...

태그: 영어, 영어기사해석, 영어번역, 영어문법, 문제풀이

이 게임 뭐였지

... 오는 적들을 동그란 대포로 쏘는 게임이에요. 대포들을 합칠 수 있었어요! & 파워 페인터 입니다

태그: 게임, 이게임뭐였지, 이게임이름좀알려주세요, 슈팅게임, 슈팅게임이름

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