cajole Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

영어 자기소개 한 단락 작성하기 영작문...

... Some of the bad friends failed to cajole despite their efforts. Even if... Some of my bad friends failed to cajole despite their efforts. Even if there are...

태그: 영작, 첨삭

세문장 풀이좀요;;

In time, they will have to cajole and wrestle India, Pakistan and Israel to the table as... In time, they will have to cajole and wrestle India, Pakistan and Israel to the table as...


동생한테 오는 문자인데요, 해석좀...

... 10.cajole? whats ur intentions too 12.why do u ask my intentions?youre the... 10.cajole? whats ur intentions-cajole?(?) 의도가 뭐야?(뜻이 뭐야?)


영어 문장해석해주세요 내공50

... to cajole the PCs into letting him go, pointing out that he didn’t kill Douven... Once the gnome has offered his information, he tries to cajole the PCs into letting...


영어발음 소리나는데로 한글로 써주세요

... cacophony : ∙cajole : . ∙callous : ∙calumny : slander ∙capricious... 카코포니 ∙cajole : . 카졸 ∙callous : 캘러스 ∙calumny : 칼럼니 slander...


한문장 해석. 바로채택합니다.

Rather than trying to cajole or "guilt" a client into some action, it may be wise to... Rather than trying to cajole or "guilt" a client into some action, 고객을...


J, Z, X가 들어가는 긴 영어단어

... 달래다 * cajole - 꼬드기다, 감언으로 속이다 * juxtapose - 나란히 놓다, 병렬하다 * zealous - 열성적인, 열심인, 열광적인 * haze - 연무, 실안개, 희부연 것...

태그: 영어단어

영어 두문장만 해석좀 해주세요~ 빨리요!!!

... occasionally cajole or complain, and helplessly watch"? 이렇게 두문장... occasionally cajole or complain, and helplessly watch"? 당신은 저자가 언급한 "흡연은 때때로...


the tongue cut sparrow 해석이요 !!...

... " So she tried to flatter and cajole the sparrow by soft speeches. The bird could... " So she tried to flatter and cajole the sparrow by soft speeches....


Cajole up이 무슨뜻인가요 드라마에서...

Cajole up이 무슨뜻인가요 드라마에서 cajole up이라는 대사를 봤는데 저 예문은 안나와요 Cajole up이 무슨뜻인가요 드라마에서 cajole up이라는 대사를 봤는데 저...


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