books on economics Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


... It’s difficult for me to understnad books on economics completely 3개 다 몇 형식인지 알려주세요 ㅜㅠ 1.I’m sure (of) the medicine he developed...



... Ms pack had difficulty in _______ books on economics. Before _______ the theater , you are asked to present your photo ID. 설명좀 해주세요...


영어 답 알려주세요 급해요!!!(준동사...

... It's difficult for me to understand books on economics (complete). 6. Every parent wants thier child (to lead) a happy life. 7. Our dog Romy got infected...


I have..와 I have got... 의 차이점은...

... She has (got) a lot of books on economics. I (have) got a bicycle. How many books have you (got)? (영국식 영어) How many book do you have? (미국식 영어) I haven't got much money....


안녕하세요. 간단한 영어 표현 하나

... 경제,마케팅,성공학,에세이 분야를 주로 읽습니다. 라고 답변 하고 싶습니다. 도와주세요.^^ I mainly read books on economics, marketing, success, and essays.


I have ...I have got

... She has (got) a lot of books on economics. I (have) got a bicycle. How many books have you (got)? (영국식 영어) How many book do you have? (미국식 영어) I haven't got much money....


on 의 쓰임

... Korean economics. 난 / 필요해요 // 자료가 / 한국 경제에 대한. (ECD874) (pen on~) ⑤ He/'d also penned // a few best-selling books /on life. at the highest levels...


전치사에대해서 물어볼게요^^내공25

... He wrote some books on economics. (그는 경제에 관한 책을 몇 권 썼다.) I congratulate you on your success. (당신의 성공을 축하합니다.) Point 3 : against와 for...


영어 완전초보 분사구문 질문..

... (힘든 일로 매우 지쳤기 때문에, 나는 일찍 잠자리에 들었다) * Having read many books on economics, he can run the small company. (경제에 관한 많은 책을 읽었기...


전치사의 모든것........

... He wrote some books on economics. (그는 경제에 관한 책을 몇 권 썼다.) 3. against와 for against는「~에 반대하여」, for는「~에 찬성하여」의 의미로 사용된다....


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