ashamed of Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


be ashamed of ~ to v

I am not ashamed of myself to say so. 라고 한다면 of는 숙어 be ashmaed of 에서 온 것으로 봐야하나요, 아니면 to say so 의 의미상 주어인데 ashamed 가 사람의 성격이라서...


I'm ashamed of the f

I'm ashamed of the fact the lied . 이문장에서 the fact 뒤에 어떻게 the lied가 또 나오나요 그리고 왜 형태가lied인가요? I'm ashamed of the fact the lied...


be ashamed of 수동태

be ashamed of가 맞는걸로 알고 있는데 be ashamed that be ashamed to 이런거도 쓰더라고요? 다 쓸수가 있는건가요? be ashamed of 동명사구 be ashamed that절 be...


aren't you ashamed of having not...

aren't you ashamed of having not known such a thing? 맞는 문장인가요? having known 에서 not의 위치가 having not known 인지 not having know 인지 설명좀...


She is ashamed of be

She is ashamed of being scold the other day. 이문장에서 be ashamed of -ing 인데 왜 scolding이 안되나요? being을 써야할 때 안 써야할 때 구분하는 법...


i am not ashamed of his having been...

i am not ashamed of his having been poor i was not ashamed of his being poor 두문장 문법상 문제가 없나요 ? 나는 부끄럽지 않다. 그가 거지 였던것이 나는 부끄럽지...


i am no ashamed of being poor.

i am no ashamed of being poor. 왜 여기서 no 가 나오죠? 동사 부정은 not 아닌가요? i am no ashamed of being poor. 왜 여기서 no 가 나오죠? 동사 부정은 not...


Ashamed 뒤에 of 말고도 th

... ------------- ~ (of sth/sb/yourself) | ~ (that…) | ~ (to be sth) (~여서[해서]) 부끄러운[창피한, 수치스러운] of~ She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party....


He was ashamed of be

He was ashamed of being laughed at. = He was ashamed that he was laughed at. 맞는 문장인가요? 주절이 과거니까 having been laughed 아닌가요? 틀린 부분...


I am ashamed of bein

I am ashamed of being poor. 여기서 i는 주어고 am은 동사고 나머지는 품사가 뭔가요? 질문 I am ashamed of being poor. => I (주어) am (동사) ashamed of being...


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