approximated Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지



approximated 짐작된 에서 approximated의 품사는 동사인가요, 형용사인가요? 뜻을 보면 '-된'이라서 형용사같은데 approximate의 형용사형은 찾아보니까 따로...


that affair approximated to the truth.

His account for that affair approximated to the truth. His가 왜... affair주어 approximated to 동사(~에 가깝다) the truth. 목적어 His account for that affair approximated to the...


토익 질문

... approximated/ approximately / approximate / approximation... approximated/ approximately / approximate / approximation... approximated/ approximately / approximate...


영어 문장 구분

... 부분에 approximated가 들어가면 문법적으로 틀리나요?? 자세한 설명... approximately : (부사) 대략, 대체로, 약 approximated 로 대체가 안됩니다....


영어 도와 주세요

... (A) approximation (B) approximated (C) approximately (D) approximate (4) All... (A) approximation (B) approximated (C) approximately (D) approximate C : "약...

태그: 영어, 토익, 영어문법

의무기록전사 해석

... The rectus muscles were approximated in the low... The subcutaneous tissue was approximated with interrupted... The subcutaneous tissue was approximated with 2-0 plain...

태그: 실무, 의무기록전사해석

영어 문제 좀 도와 주세요.,, OTL

... (A) approximation (B) approximated (C) approximately (D) approximate (4)... (A) approximation (B) approximated (C) approximately (D) approximate 답...

태그: 영어, 영어문법, 토익, 토익문법

영어 문법 문제 질문

... 생각해서 approximated랑 approximate중에... 생각해서 approximated랑 approximate중에 고민했습니다.... 생각해서 approximated랑 approximate중에 고민했습니다. 이...


뉴턴_Raphson 방법으로

... an approximated error, εa(log scale) versus... of iter'),ylabel('Approximated error'); x는 standard... Approximated error는 정확히 어떻게...


토익 문제

... approximated C. approximate D. approximating 답은 A 알겠는데 D는 왜 정답이 안되는건가요? A. approximately 약, 대략 접근하는10 분내에 말이 안...


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