anable Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지


플스2로 보는중에 anable to read disc?

... 어떻게하면 그냥 계속 쭉 영화를 볼수있는지 빠른 답변 ㅜ 부탁할게요 ㅋ anable to read disc 검정바탕에 흰글씨로 이거하나뜸 영화보다가 갑자기 저기요, 제가 보기에는...


were anable

People were unable to tell the different between the two brands of soda. 여기서 were 뒤에 unable이 올수 있나요? unable은 형용산데? be able to =can 할 수...


To 부정사의 역할

They are anable to remember the words that they heard. 이 문장에서 to remember은 to... are anable to remember the words that they heard. 이 문장에서 to remember은 to...

태그: 영어문법, to부정사, to부정사용법, 문장성분분석

윈도우 미디어 인코더에서 오류 메세지

... ㅠ_ㅠ 'Anable to process selected input file. A required audio decompreccor is not installed on this... ^^ 'Anable to process selected input file. A required audio decompreccor is not installed on this machine.' 는...


SAT criticalreading 해석 맞는지...

... A) Being anable to locate the source of materials used... C) Being anable to explain how ancient peoples... A) Being anable to locate the source of materials used to construct...


스트레스의 징후들<Some Sign of Stress>

... forgetfulness anable to study drop in school performance carelessness -Emotinal(Feeling)... forgetfulness anable to study drop in school performance carelessnes 정신적 증후들...



... The drills and exercises a student dors have one end in sight: to anable him to become... The drills and exercises a student dors have one end in sight: to anable him to become...


토익풀때 following these steps

... (마무리멘트) 여기에 following these steps will be anable ~~~이 문장을 집어넣는... 이때 following these steps will be anable ~~~이런 문장이 2번에 들어가도 괜찮길래 혹시...

태그: 토익, 영어

라즈베리파이에서 SPI통신으로 DSP에...

... if(wiringPiSetupGpio() == -1) { fprintf(stdout, "Anable to start wiringPi: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } if(wiringPiSPISetup(0, 0.1) == -1) { fprintf(stdout...


영어 모의고사 해석

their extened period between hatching and flight from the nest anable them to develope intelligence 문제가 이문장에서 무엇이그들의 지능을발전시켰냐...

태그: 문제풀이

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