Fertile Crescent Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지



... 학교에서 FERTILE CRESCENT 에 대해서 에세이를 쓰라고 해서... 대충 언제 어디쯤에 있었나, 어떤 것들이 자랐나 어떤 사람들이 살았나... 등등 다양한 자료들이 필요합니다....


이 문장에서 down은 무슨 뜻으로...

... in a region known as the fertile crescent, which stretches from modern-day Egypt, up to south-eastern Turkey, and down again to the border between Iraq and Iran....

태그: 영어해석, 영어단어뜻

영어 질문드립니다

It is also agreed that different forms of writing developed not only in the Fertile Crescent, but also within the ancient societies of Asia and Mesoamerica and that none of...

태그: 해커스, 아이엘츠, 영어공부, 영어, 해커스토익, 해커스아이엘츠, 영어문법

영어 질문드립니다

of these geographical areas, it is most likely that the earliest writing occurred in the Fertile Crescent territory of Sumer, possbly as early as 8000 B.C. 이 문장의 품사가...

태그: 해커스, 해커스토익, 영어, 영어공부, 영어문법, 아이엘츠, 해커스아이엘츠

영어 문법

What gave the people living in the Fertile Crescent an advantage was the potential for irrigation in the valleys and an adequate supply of rainfall. What gave the people...


내공 100영어문법

... At that time, they couldn’t get plentiful of food by hunting so agriculture was the one of the ways to make a food and fertile crescent and good temperature were...


영어 as 질문이요

Agriculture began in the area known as the fertile crescent. 여기서 as뜻 과 어떻게 쓰였는지 좀 알려주세요… as : 동격 전치사 "~이라고/~로"


번역부탁해요 ㅠㅠ 급함

... The other religions of the fertile crescent had many gods. Each god had his or her job. One watched over the crops; one helped women have children; another supported...


역사 수행질문

... 비옥한 초승달 지대(Fertile Crescent) - 메소포타미아 문명, 이집트 문명이 여기에 포함된다. 인더스 평원(Indus Plain) - 인더스 문명이 위치한 지역 중국 평원(China Plain) - 황하...

태그: 문제풀이

영어 해석좀.. 부탁드려욤;;

... and expanded the Persian Empire by conquering Asia Minor and eventually the Fertile Crescent. Under King Darius I, the empire was extended eastward as far as the Indus...


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