1988 copyright designs and patents act Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

제발 영어해석 해주세요ㅜㅠ

... the copyright Designs and Patents Act in 1988. The aim of this Act is 'to protect creativity without restricting competition. Designers are encouraged to claim copyright of...


번역좀 해주세요 ㅠ.ㅠ 내공팍팍 !!

... Thailand recognizes three kinds of intellectual property rights: patents... product designs and pharmaceuticals.The Copyright Act protects literary, artistic works...


WTO TRIPS(트립스)원문을 구하고...

... Copyright and Related Rights 2. Trademarks 3. Geographical Indications 4. Industrial Designs 5. Patents 6. Layout-Designs (Topographies) of Integrated...


무역영어해석..쫌 많습니다.....

... final and binding upon both paeties concerned. 15. Patents, trade : Buyer is to hold Seller harmless from liability for any infringement with marks, designs, ect....


무역영어해석 쫌 해주세요~급해요...

... final and binding upon both paeties concerned. 15. Patents, trade : Buyer is to hold Seller harmless from liability for any infringement with marks, designs, ect....


계약서 번역 부탁드려요. 총내공...

... Trademarks, Patents and Trade Names. Distributor will not... designs directly infringes a patent, copyright, or other... willful act or omission on the part of the Distributor....


영어 요약 해석 부탁드려요 (내공25)

... and on GCI Properties, including all images, designs... You must retain all copyright and other proprietary... any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secret...


영어해석좀 부탁드립니다. (무역관련)

... Partial shipment and/or transshipment shall be... Patents, Trade Marks, Designs, etc. : Buyer is to hold... mark, copyright, design, pattern, etc., originated or chosen by...


잠수함에 대한 정보 영어로 된거로

... dozen patents for submarines/submersible boats had been... Advanced propeller designs, extensive sound-reducing insulation, and special machinery help a...


수출용TT 계약서 첨삭해서 만든거...

... date and on the terms and conditions hereinafter... Patents, Trade Marks, Designs, etc. : Buyer is to... mark, copyright, design, pattern, etc....


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