중3 so that Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

중3 so that 구문

I think macarons are pretty so that I can think they’re good for gifts. 이 문장 제가 썼는데 문법적으로 오류있는 곳 있을까요?? 특히 뒤에 so that...

태그: 영어, sothat구문

중3 so that 구문 질문

... 특히 so that 구문쪽에서여 중3 so that 구문 질문 비공개 조회수 3 작성일2분 전 I bought macarons so that I could feel better my brother. 이 문장에서...

태그: 중학영어문법

중3 2학기 영어 so that can

... so that he can get up at 6 o'clock 2. so that she can talk to her foreign friends 3. in order to celebrate their wedding anniversary 4, to win the...

태그: 문제풀이

중3영어 so that?

... so that … can 16. so that … can have 17. so that … could 18. so that … can be part III 1. Jane ran out so that she could take a bus. 2. I went to...

태그: 중3영어

중3영어 So that 구문

... so that 8. so that / could 9. order 10. as 11. so that 12. to 13. so that/ can 14. open the window/ can feel the fresh air 15. bring the map/ can find the...

태그: 중3영어, sothat구문, sothat

중3영어 so that

... 15.so that / can 16.so that/ could have 17.so that / could swim 18.so that/ can be 1. Jane ran out so that she could take a bus. 2. I went to the library...

태그: 중3영어, sothat구문

중3영어 so that

... so that she could 5. in order to / so that / in order that 6. that I can get there in time 7. so that she can 8. so that they could 9. to study there 10. so...

태그: 중3영어

중3영어 so that 구문..

... They practiced hard so that they could win the game. 2. Mike took a taxi so taht he could arrive there in time. 3. They opened the door so that I can go...

태그: sothat구문, 중3영어, 영어문법

중3 영어 so that 구문 문제...

문제풀이 부탁드려요 [1] Please hurry up so that you won’t be late. [2] Sam went to the post ofice so that he could send a parcel. [3] I will save money...

태그: 영어문법, sothat구문, 영어, 중3영어

중3 so that ~위해서 이 문법? 질문

so that 주어 can/will 동사원형으로 알고있는데 can/will은 필수인가요? Please come two hours earlier so that you don't miss the airplane 이렇게 예문?있던데 왜 will not...


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